
Tips on How One can Decide Which Sport to Play

Choosing a sport is a difficult decision. Many different activities are available to choose from, and it’s hard to determine which one is more interesting and entertaining. However, picking one you’ll enjoy is important, as it’s impossible to play all sports at once. Even if you find time for a few activities, it’s essential to stick to one thing to achieve great results.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 19.3% of US citizens engaged in sports and exercise each day in 2019. Some people played tennis, some volleyball, others swam or just did light physical exercises. In other words, everybody did what they enjoyed the most.

If you’re struggling to decide which sport to choose, here are the top things to pay attention to.

Read on to learn more!

1) Physical ability

Some sports require more endurance, strength, or agility than others, so you should ensure that you choose the activity you can realistically excel in. 

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are your strengths? Do you have good hand-eye coordination, strong legs, and great stamina?
  • What are your limitations? Do you have a pre-existing injury or health condition that could prevent you from participating in certain games?
  • Do you prefer individual or team sports? Some sports, like running or swimming, are more individualistic, while others, like soccer or basketball, require teamwork and coordination.

2) Time commitment 

How much time can you commit to exercising? Some may require daily practices or weekly games, while others may only dedicate a couple of times a month.

Think about your schedule and other commitments, such as school or work that may impact your available time. Also, consider if an activity has different seasons or if it's year-round.

If you cannot commit too much time, choose individual activities such as running or swimming, where you can train on your own time. However, team sports like basketball or soccer are good options if you have more flexibility.

3) Costs

Different sports have varying costs, so assessing whether you can afford the necessary expenses is crucial. Consider these factors when determining the cost:

  • Membership fees:

Many sports require membership fees, which can range from reasonable to expensive. Find out the fees associated with each game and assess whether they fit into your budget.

  • Commuting costs:

Some sports may require frequent travel to participate in competitions and practices. This can add up, so don't neglect to factor in these costs.

  • Equipment:

Different sports require different equipment, and some can be costly. Therefore, understanding whether you can afford to purchase or rent the necessary gear is crucial.

  • Training:

Many activities require training, which can also be an added expense. In addition, some teams may require additional coaching or personal training sessions, so research the cost of training before committing to it.

  • Miscellaneous expenses:

Some sports may have additional costs, such as uniforms, team fees, or tournament entry fees. Make sure to consider all potential expenses when deciding which activity to take up.

4) Equipment

Different sports have different gear requirements, ranging from a simple ball to a complete set of protective gear. To understand which sport would be better for you, answer the following questions:

  • How much does the equipment cost?

Some sports require very little equipment, while others can be quite expensive. Take into account the initial investment required for gear and any ongoing maintenance or replacement costs.

  • Is the equipment readily available?

Some activities require specialized gear that may not be easily accessible in your area. Therefore, ensure you can access the necessary equipment.

  • Is the equipment comfortable and safe?

Make sure that the gear you're required to work out with is comfortable and safe. If the equipment is uncomfortable, exercising may be difficult and cause injuries. Additionally, inadequate safety equipment can lead to serious injuries.

  • Is there room for customization?

Some sports allow for equipment customization, such as choosing different types of cleats or racquets. First, think if customization is important to you and whether the activity you're interested in allows for it.

5) Commuting

Ask yourself if you're willing to travel far distances to practice and play games. If not, find a sport conveniently located near your home or workplace to save transportation costs. 

Keep in mind that if you're playing a team sport, the location of your teammates may also impact your decision. Choosing an activity that's accessible and convenient for you will provide a more enjoyable experience.

6) Workout buddy

Some people don’t like doing physical activities alone. If that is you, there’s nothing better than finding a person who will share with you an interest in the same sport. It could be your colleague, family member, best friend, or even a pet.

In case you have domestic animals, find activities that you and your pet can enjoy together, such as canicross, treibball, or just running. If you don’t have a four-legged companion, it’s time to get one. A dog would be perfect. Nuwber says that dog owners lean toward outdoor activities and sports like golf, which has to do with the fact that people who have dogs have to be athletic and spend time outside with their furry friends. Cat owners, on the other hand, are more into indoor activities, so if you want your pet to be your workout buddy, a dog is the best option.

7) Season

Certain sports are seasonal, which means they may only be played during a specific time of the year. For example, baseball and softball are typically played during the spring and summer months, while skiing and snowboarding are usually reserved for the winter.

Think about during which season you'll have the most time and availability to do your desired sport. For example, choosing a winter game might be more practical if you have a busy work schedule during the summer months.

8) Other players’ age range

If you're a kid or a teenager, you'll likely want to choose a sport that is popular among your peers. But, if you're an adult, you may prefer one that people of all ages play. 

Before joining a league or team, ask about the players' age range. This will help you feel comfortable and have a better experience overall. 

Remember that some sports may be more geared toward specific age groups. For example, soccer is often played by younger children, while golf tends to attract older adults. However, there are always exceptions, and it's ultimately up to you to decide which sport to go into. 

9) Goals

Are you looking for a fun and casual way to stay active, or do you aspire to compete at a higher level? Different sports cater to different goals, so finding one that aligns with yours is important. 

Join a recreational league or club team if you want a more social and laid-back experience. These typically prioritize fun and team bonding over competition and skill development. 

However, if you aim at boosting your skills and competing at a higher level, it’s better to join a more competitive league or seek a coach to help you reach your goals. 


Choosing a sport is daunting, but the above tips can help you narrow your choices and discover the perfect fit. Remember to pay attention to your interests, physical ability, time commitment, and goals. Don’t forget to factor in costs, equipment, location, season, and age group. 

Once you have assessed all these factors, you can confidently choose a sport you will enjoy and excel at. So get out there and have fun!

Cover Credits: Pexels

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